On Saturday, me and the kids were lucky enough to attend the ceremony where Houston received his Eagle Scout. What an amazing accomplishment!! I am so proud of him. Houston is such a good kid. He is so sweet with my kids and they love him to death. I don't know of one person who doesn't think highly of him. Ron and Mari Ann did a good job with him, and I can only hope that Carter and Jack will turn out to be like him. What a role model for Carter to look up to. I hope Carter will remember this day. I love you Houie!!
This is sweet Linda! He is a strapping young man, that's for sure! I loved seeing you all this weekend. I miss you guys when you're not around enough. :)
Oh how cute! I can't believe how big Houston has gotten. He is such a good kid. I'm bummed that I missed his big ceremony!
Houston is so handsome. Your boys will turn out like him, I am sure of it! And yes, the Eagle is such a big accomplishment!!!
Houston has sure grown up. I still think of him as a little kid, but that's not the case anymore. We were sad we couldn't make it to see him get his Eagle, but that is a huge accomplishment!
I am so proud of you that you made a blog!!!! And your kids are so stinkin' adorable!
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